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Age Friendly Fingal Guide 2021

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Fingal

WHO Theme: Communication And Information

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Staying Connected

Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund Covid

Resources Required: Community Support, Financial, Paid Staff, Premises, Services, Volunteer Staff, Volunteers were required to deliver this to some of our most vulnerable people

Cost: 0-500


Age Friendly Fingal produced a bumper magazine of 84 pages, we printed 20,000 copies of the Age Friendly Guide 2021 was developed to deliver up to date and relevant information to members of our older population, we included articles from, Fingal County Council, An Garda Siochana, tips for Carers, Alone services, Friends of the Elderly, Local Link Transport, Care and Repair, Songs, Recipes and quizzes. We also includes information on our parks and beaches along with exercises, Fingal Heritage and Fingal Volunteer centre and the library services and much more

Aim of Initiative

this Age Friendly Guide was aimed at anyone over 55 years old as per the WHO guidelines

Who is it aimed at

this Age Friendly Guide was aimed at anyone over 55 years old as per the WHO guidelines

Steps critical to success

  1. have a clear project – beginning/middle/end
  2. know your reader
  3. secure your budget and a wonderful designer

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. delays in getting information back from people
  2. funding criteria time scale
  3. lock down restrictions

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. people are delighted with the outcome and love the 14 font and they can use it as a reference book for the yer
  2. this document is on line for anyone who wants it now – due to demand
  3. Fingal County Council wish to have this as a yearly document

Evaluation / Report:

