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Age Friendly Digital Ambassador

Age Friendly Ireland

Louth Council Stairlift Logo

Programme: Louth

WHO Theme: Communication and Information

Funding Stream: no funding required

Resources Required: Community Support, Paid Staff

Cost: 0 – 500

Status: In Progress


Teaching elderly people to use Zoom or similar apps to allow them to communicate with family and friends. The person taught can then teach their friends or other family members

Aim of Initiative

Elderly people

Who is it aimed at

Elderly people

Steps critical to success

  1. Publicity to make people aware of the programme
  2. Buy in from public
  3. Trained staff

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. managing to engage people in the initiative
  2. making contact with the people who would benefit most
  3. Keeping interst

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. keeping people connected
  2. improved mental health
  3. improved well-being

Evaluation / Report:

