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“Not around us” Tobacco and Vaping campaign

Age Friendly Ireland

Healthy Clare Logo

WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Your Body Your Health

Funding Stream: HSE Health & Wellbeing Division - €5,000

Resources Required: Financial, Paid Staff

Cost: 5000-10000


Campaign on Social Media and website . Promotional Video made with partners that was used on social media and promoted through the Council’s YouTube Channel. Organisations who signed up to having a smoke/vape free campus were encouraged to put up a sign which had been designed incorporating logos and graphic.

Aim of Initiative

Who is it aimed at

All ages

Steps critical to success

  1. Engage Partners e.g. HSE Quit Mid West Team, Clare Sports Partnership, Greener Clare, Clare Youth Service, Clare CYPSC.
  2. Target organisations who you think may sign up
  3. Media campaign which included local radio interview, press release, social media promotion, Council website.

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. n/a
  2. n/a
  3. n/a

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Cleaner smoke/vape free spaces
  2. n/a
  3. n/a

Evaluation / Report:

