WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services
Health & Wellbeing Theme: Your Body Your Health
Funding Stream: HSE Health & Wellbeing Division - €5,000
Resources Required: Financial, Paid Staff
Cost: 5000-10000
Campaign on Social Media and website . Promotional Video made with partners that was used on social media and promoted through the Council’s YouTube Channel. Organisations who signed up to having a smoke/vape free campus were encouraged to put up a sign which had been designed incorporating logos and graphic.
Aim of Initiative
Who is it aimed at
All ages
Steps critical to success
- Engage Partners e.g. HSE Quit Mid West Team, Clare Sports Partnership, Greener Clare, Clare Youth Service, Clare CYPSC.
- Target organisations who you think may sign up
- Media campaign which included local radio interview, press release, social media promotion, Council website.
Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
Outcomes / Benefits
- Cleaner smoke/vape free spaces
- n/a
- n/a
Evaluation / Report: