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21 Day Walking Challenge

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Galway

Programme: Galway County

WHO Theme: Communication and Information

Funding Stream: Healthy Ireland Fund

Resources Required: Administration - posting of 21 Day Walking Challenge pack

Cost: 0 – 500

Status: Ongoing


21 Day Walking Challenge was designed to help older adults to get out walking and to take note of the amount of minutes/steps they walked per day. It was designed to motivate people to get out walking but to also educate people on the amount of steps or minute they are exercising per day to help encourage people to do the minimum daily exercise or more. Each participant was given a pedometer and a 21 day walking log. The pedometer was used to help participants to count their steps and people were also encouraged to use phones/smart watches to track this if they had them and support was offered in how to find this out on various devices. The 21 Day Walking Log was to help people to document their progress over the 21 days. They were asked to completed amount of steps and minutes so to make it as easy as possible for people if they found counting steps off putting. The programme received positive feedback and was a real motivator for people to get out for their walk.

Aim of Initiative

Older Adults

Who is it aimed at

Older Adults

Steps critical to success

  1. Programme Simplicity
  2. Easily Available
  3. Requires little equipment/resources

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. NA
  2. NA
  3. NA

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Increased people being active
  2. Education on minimum PA requirements
  3. Improved peoples mood/mental health

Evaluation / Report:

