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Shenanigans Walks

Age Friendly Ireland

Shenanigans logo

Type of Business: Hospitality

Local Authority: Kilkenny

Address: Moanmore Commons, Callan Co Kilkenny

Eircode: R95NY20


Age Friendly Champion

Name: Nevin Cody

Phone: 872743865


Specific Actions / Commitments

  1. New Older person pricing
  2. Route adjusted to suit client needs and using street seating for stops on the tour and adapt pace to groups needs and avoid steps
  3. Engaging with clients in advance or on arrival to deliver the best experience, route is checked daily before tours for road works or other obstacles / chanllenges. We also finish in an area where there are lots of places for a coffee, drink and food or just a rest after the tour. We also commit to engage with clients on route and check in to ensure all is going to plan for them. If we need to adjust the route, pace based on information given to us we can make changes discreetly and it will have no impact on anyones experience.