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MABS Kilcock

Age Friendly Ireland

NC & U MABS Logo

Type of Business: Financial

Local Authority: Kildare

Address: Unit 3 Millenium House, Harbour View, Kilcock, Co.Kildare

Eircode: C15 XR8Y

Directions: Find On Map


Age Friendly Champion

Name: Christelle Giles



Specific Actions / Commitments

  1. All North Leinster Money Advisors will commit to checking in with their vulnerable/elderly clients  on a regular basis to ensure  that they are happy with how their case is being dealt with and give them the opportunity to discuss any  issues
  2. All North Leinster Offices to increase the font size on all correspondence to vulnerable/elderly clients  , Commitment from MABS Support to increase font on Notices , Leaflets and Client Agreement Forms etc . going forward
  3. All North Leinster offices have as a number of chairs with arms available for clients and confirmation that each office has a least one meeting room that can accommodate this request