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Lahinch Coast Hotel

Age Friendly Ireland

Lahinch Coast Hotel logo

Type of Business: Restaurants / Hotels / Bars

Local Authority: Clare

Address: Main Streeet, Lahinch, Co.Clare

Eircode: V95 VP9H

Directions: Find On Map


Age Friendly Champion

Name: Sean Mulvany / Brid O'Meara



Specific Actions / Commitments

  1. Reading glasses in different strengths available in Bar and Restaurant on request (sanitised) and in a lovely presentation box
  2. Converted a lounge to a Reading room with complimentary  “read and replace” and is looking at “Take a Book or Leave a Book” option.
  3. Special discount in Leisure Centre membership for Seniors and  taxi or family member  phone call for collection available on request.  
  4. Hooks on back of toilet doors (not very high)
  5. Some daily complimentary newspapers, done with Independent to offer alternative option we are in the process of organising the Times complimentary also Done Action 5
  6. Speaking with Reservations manager on a discount for stays for Older Adults and Seniors (off season this will offered )