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Lahinch Coast Hotel

Age Friendly Ireland

Lahinch Coast Hotel logo

Type of Business: Restaurants / Hotels / Bars

Local Authority: Clare

Address: Main Streeet, Lahinch, Co.Clare

Eircode: V95 VP9H

Directions: Find On Map


Age Friendly Champion

Name: Sean Mulvany / Brid O'Meara

Phone: 065-7081100


Specific Actions / Commitments

  1. Reading glasses in different strengths available in Bar and Restaurant on request (sanitised) and in a lovely presentation box
  2. Converted a lounge to a Reading room with complimentary  “read and replace” and is looking at “Take a Book or Leave a Book” option.
  3. Special discount in Leisure Centre membership for Seniors and  taxi or family member  phone call for collection available on request.