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Bank Of Ireland

Age Friendly Ireland

Bank of Ireland Logo

Type of Business: Financial

City / County: Dublin City

Address: 104 Ranelagh Road, Dublin 6

Eircode: D06 P3F1

Directions: Find On Map


Age Friendly Champion

Name: Sabrina Esteva

Phone: (01) 660 2311


Specific Actions

  1. Opening Personal Current accounts must be done by the customer on their personal device now. Considering that for many of our eldest customers this could be complicated. We believe that this creates a perfect moment to go the extra mile and offer them to bring their devices, along with the documentation required and we would guide them through the process. Doing this ensure us that the customer feels comfortable, serviced and will get more used to using their own device for Bank Procedures. For vulnerable customers and very specific situations we can also offer them to sit with one of our advisors and they would be able to open the account for them.
  2. For our customers with mobility, hearing or vision difficulties we must always make sure to help them at using the ATM. Many times could be confusing and they could also feel under pressure because they are aware of people waiting after them to use the machines, approaching them when they arrive to the premises and giving them attention helps them feel more comfortable and assisted. Assisting them at the ATM in branches without a cashier it is essential as almost any transaction is done by using these machines. Once the customer feels comfortable and knows how to use them, their perception of this new way of doing transactions would become more positive as they have been assisted, serviced and looked after.
  3. For our customers with mobility, hearing or vision difficulties we must always make sure to help them at using the ATM. Many times could be confusing and they could also feel under pressure because they are aware of people waiting after them to use the machines, approaching them when they arrive to the premises and giving them attention helps them feel more comfortable and assisted. Assisting them at the ATM in branches without a cashier it is essential as almost any transaction is done by using these machines. Once the customer feels comfortable and knows how to use them, their perception of this new way of doing transactions would become more positive as they have been assisted, serviced and looked after.